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Campus Ministry

Proclaiming God’s Provident Love to the world.

Inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, Campus Ministry at the University of Providence aims to form our students as whole and integrated persons, prepared to live out their faith and respond to the needs of others with compassion.

Celebrating the richness of our identity as a Roman Catholic university, Campus Ministry fosters the active sacramental life of our campus community while inviting students to personal and spiritual growth through reflection, faith formation, fellowship, service, and retreats. Inspired by the heritage and spirituality of the Sisters of Providence we proclaim Providence as the loving presence of God, made present to the world in and through us.

Ever mindful that all persons are made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27) Campus Ministry programming is open to all students, regardless of faith tradition or life situation.


See what Campus Ministry has to offer


Trinitas Chapel is open for students, faculty and staff for prayer and meditation throughout the day. Sunday Mass and other liturgical celebrations are held throughout the year.


  • Sunday Mass – 11:00 am
  • Holy Days of Obligation – 12:05pm
Music Ministry

Interested in being part of music ministry for Sunday Masses?

We are looking for musicians and vocalists.

Contact Mr. Roy Lanham for more information at roy.lanham@uprovidence.edu.

Small Group Bible Study

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. (Colossians 3:16)

Campus Ministry offers opportunities for students to delve more deeply into faith using the bible as the tool to encounter the Lord.

  • Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm – Student Center: Campus Ministry Office
  • Thursdays @ 7:00 pm – Student Center: Campus Ministry Office


All are welcome. Bibles are provided.

Spiritual Direction

Throughout the academic year, students have the opportunity to participate in spiritual direction with a member of the campus ministry team.

Spiritual direction is not therapy or even pastoral counseling, but rather the opening of oneself to being in sacred space with another person who will deeply listen to you as you speak to your story and ongoing spiritual journey. Instead of giving you answers or instructions, spiritual direction offers you questions that will invite you to go deeper and discover God’s presence in your life.

Please email A.J. Hoy or Roy Lanham to set up a meeting for this at aj.hoy@uprovidence.edu or roy.lanham@uprovidence.edu.

Confirmation & OCIA

Interested in knowing more about the Catholic Faith?  

Campus Ministry is willing to accompany students and others to explore the beauty and richness of the Catholic faith through the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA). Attending a class does not require you to become Catholic, but will assist you in discerning and deepening your walk.

Already Catholic, but need to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?

As need arises Campus Ministry will offer a series of classes for those wanting to complete the sacraments of initiation.

For those interested in either OCIA or Confirmation are invited to visit the Campus Ministry office or contact Roy Lanham at roy.lanham@uprovidence.edu.

Religious Vocations

For 93 years, the University of Providence has been a place where many Catholics have felt the call to serve God and God’s people in the vocations of priesthood or consecrated life.

If you are interested in being connected with discernment resources, or simply wish to speak with a vocations director from the Sisters of Providence or the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, please contact your campus minister.

Learn more about the Sisters of Providence

Learn more about Diocesan Priesthood

A.J. Hoy

Vice President for Mission Integration

Roy Lanham

Director of Campus Ministry